We need you, Lauryn Hill!!

Lauryn-Hill-006If your musical taste is anything like mine, there has been a very pressing question in the back of ur minds for at least the last eleven years, WHERE IS LAURYN HILL?? Well, I’m here to let you know that the hay-day of her musical dominance with such smash hits as “Doo-Wop (That Thing)” and “Ex-Factor” have all but passed HOWEVER she is at the top of her game musically and has been releasing music under the radar and without the help of major record labels. No one knows the plights of dealing with major labels more than this former member of legendary hiphop group “Fugees” but there is a way around dealing with their enevitable drama and that is releasing independent singles.

Releasing independent singles can be time consuming and less than profitable but many artist do this for a host of different reasons. Personally, I don’t know what her reason was and I refuse to disrespect her by making assumptions but I can say that her recent body of work speaks for itself and I wouldn’t be surprised if many labels were fearful of releasing music of this kind given it’s socio-political content. This has not stopped her from booking shows across the globe and still selling out venues as recently as this and last year. She has millions of die hard loyal fans like ME!

lauryn-hill-brandon-marshall-armstrong-fest-featHere are a few of her releases along with the Youtube lyric video for her song “Nurotic Society” at the top of this post; I hope u enjoy them as much as I have and never forget that YOU AS THE CONSUMER HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE ARTISTS SUCCESSFUL. Call and write ur radio stations and request music by Ms.Lauryn Hill!!


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